A Lack of Time Management and Reliable Internet

So, University finished up for the semester. The Holidays Started. I started off great, with a lot of planning for the next major update to Dez-Game, and a minor update to get a refresher of where I was. And then…well…

Winter happened, and when winter comes, it rains a lot. When it rains, I lose internet at home. Not totally, but it becomes completely unreliable. This lack of reliability prevents me from being able to upload to my webspace, work on any of the sites within the webspace (such as this), and also, most annoyingly, prevents me from playing any games which require internet.

I’m not trying to say that the lack of internet is why I’ve made no real progress on things such as Dez-Game…That’s down to a severe lack of time management and motivation. But I am saying it certainly doesn’t help.

I’m a gamer. That’s one of the things that I enjoy most, and recently I got introduced to a game called Planetside 2. It’s an MMOFPS (Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter), and the only one I have ever seen. I freaking love that game, and it’s one of the main sources of excitement I have. In fact, since it, I’ve found most other games (particularly MMOs) a lot less interesting.

However, as I said before, I’ve not really been able to play online games lately, which upsets me. In fact, it’s probably why I haven’t been able to motivate myself as much lately…

But anyway. Uni is back on now, and this semester’s timetable is actually not too bad, in contrast with last semester’s… I may very well be able to find some time to get some of these things achieved.

Then again, I do believe that is what I said last time…